Monaca CLI
Monaca x Onsen UI CLI

Enhanced command-line interface for hybrid apps, with advanced debugging and remote build support.

Try it out, it's free:

  • > npm install -g monaca
  • > monaca create helloworld

Monaca CLI is the full stack development tool for hybrid apps.
It is compatible with Cordova CLI and make the development much eaiser and faster.

  1. Easy Setup

    Easy Setup

    With a npm install, you get everything setup for app development. Monaca CLI bundles all dev stack, so no need to install additional dependencies and setup platform SDKs.

  2. Preview and Test on Device

    Preview and Test on Device

    Run the app in a local browser or on a real device using Monaca Debugger. Both support live reloading for quicker debugging. Hot reloading is supported for React templates.

  3. Advance Debugging

    Advance Debugging

    Dev tools bundled in CLI enable JavaScript debugging - including breakpoints, step in/out and code profiling. Debug even iOS devices from Windows PC.

  4. Cloud Sync

    Cloud Sync

    Easily push projects to the Monaca Cloud and access them from any computer, anywhere, anytime. Your projects can be synced between various development environments.

  5. Remote Build & Development

    Remote Build & Development

    Instantly create package for iOS, Android, and Window simultanously. Flexible build and deployment options includ full support of Cordova plugins.

  6. Many Framework Templates

    Many Framework Templates

    You can pick your framework - Angular 1, Angular 2, React, Ionic, or somthing else. Onsen UI templates come with Webpack configs and are fully customizable.

Onsen UI

JS framework-agnostic platform with hundreds of ready-to-use native look and feel components.

Additional support is provided for Angual 1 & 2, React, Meteor, Vue and jQuery. Start using Onsen UI today with Monaca CLI's fast and easy pre-generated templates.

Onsen UI App Samples

Let's get started, it's free!

Access comprehensive services to develop and build your Cordova apps, fast and easy.

Other Development Options

Want a GUI alternative?
We have variety of options to chose from.


Please refer to our docs for the details.